Another pretty interesting week. Training the new guy is still going okay and its a little stressful and its alot like babysitting and i try to let him take the lead but then he'll go off and tell some false doctrine but anyways its getting better. Friday was 4th of July and we had a little party at the senior couple The Herringtons and had some hotdogs and lite some fireworks it was pretty crazy. Elder Herrington had bought some nice bottle rockets and mortar shows that we all had a good time with and right as the last Firework exploded the cops came busting around the corner haha but cops here are jokers they just showed up for 2 sec and said okay i understand then they left, no ticket no nothing. it was like they wanted to join the party. but it was a good time! Then Saturday Elder Berry the new Ap, who replaced Elder Summers, was with us through out the day and we got shut down in almost every appointment it was ridiculous but we ended up doing some good work with him we found a guy walking and i called over to him and we started talking and he was like oh your from the mormon church in Utah, i was shocked, most people have know idea we are called mormons let alone a church from Utah. but as we kept talking he told us that he use to live in California and he ran track for Cal and was a state champ there back in the day it was crazy stuff but im excited to go back and teach this guy. But saddest part of saturday was when we were preparing for a Family Home Evening at the branch presidents house with everyone on the street and as we walked to the few houses on the street with members ( by this time its dark and the drunks are out in full force) we saw one of the recent converts that we had helped go to the temple just 2 weeks back. She was out of it and just completely drunk. it was pretty depressing but i went and grab here two little kids, one 7 who was crying and then one 2 that didnt know what was going on, so i gave them both a cookie we baked for the F.H.E. and took them down with us! its sad to see those things happen and even the next day when we stopped by her house she just hid from us in shame! but anyways the Savior can help her and will as long as she is willing to let him! but other than that its just been the same old drama out here but we are doing some good hard work and have about 7 people on bap. date from this week and they are all amazing! so many wonderful strong families that love this message! but i hope everyone is doing good! SOrry its not the longest email or as good as some in the past but not much this week. hopefully the to love birds arent too stressed about their wedding plans and lucky for Katie she gets to go to EFY and Hangout with Lauren, idk which is better but if she'd like to trade that would be nice! haha just kidding i love it out here and hopefully time will begin to pick up since im approaching that 8 month mark! I love you all! keep me posted Please!
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